
If you have gained all the material success and yet you are not happy, chances are that you are not living a life of purpose. While working with some of the most influential people on the planet, a common thread I notice is their search for meaning in their life.

Now, the question emerges how would you know whether you are living a life that you were meant to live? Here are 3 indicators, in short, I call it JAP.

JOY: Despite your best efforts to pursue happiness, if you are surrounded with pains, frustrations, insecurities, fears, threats and betrayal, you are not aligned with your purpose. Your purpose is your final destination and as you move closer you would start to experience its glimpses. It’s like going to a hill station, as you get closer, the landscape changes, you get further close and the air gets crispier. If you are closer to your purpose you would experience more moments of joy in your life.

Your purpose is your final destination and as you move closer you would start to experience its glimpses.

ACCEPTANCE: The way things are in your life, how effortlessly do you accept them? If you are working way too hard and draining your limited vital energy to make things happen and things are still not turning your way, it’s time to reconsider what you are pursuing. On the contrary, if you experience ease in accepting your life conditions and embrace the occurrences as they are, without labeling them good or bad, you are in tune with your purpose.

PEACE: Do you feel restful or is your mind overworking? If you are overthinking, hyper-rationalizing, or displaying extreme vigilance or you feel an extreme need to control or ensure the order, you are away from your purpose. The people who live a life of purpose, are at ease. They live in the present. They cherish the moment and relish a sound sleep.

Now, the question comes how would one know what’s her purpose? Here are a few practices that would guide you there:

SLOW DOWN: There is no point driving fast if you are headed in the wrong direction. I see most people using brute force for making things happen. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work here. Slow down. Take a breath. Check your compass and change your course.

MINDFULLNESS: Most people have an outward approach to living, which is necessary to function in the material world. To find your purpose, you would need to take an inward journey.

A good to way start is to allocate at least a hour in a day for meditation. You need not master a complex system to meditate. In the beginning, simply sit, close your eyes, and observe your breathing. While you do this, do not expect anything. Continue with the practice and one day your purpose will occur to you.

